- どんな仕事か
<職務内容/Main Tasks>
- Collect and maintain data for Premium automotive brands, market size, and future projections
- Periodic analysis to identify key movements in Premium market, and present findings to GM, and key Internal stakeholders
- maintain and develop Tableau dashboards, so that information can be accessed by wider organization
- Keep track of key automotive developments and trends, and periodically cascade within team
- Create and maintain key reporting templates for governance
- Coordinate with relevant department i.e. sales, marketing, Finance and Product marketing to gather required information for support of governance meeting.
- periodically provide data collection, management support to the team for Ad-hoc projects
- 求められるスキルは
必須 ■MUST
- Analytical Mindset
- Data management Experience
- Presentation Skills
- Expert in Microsoft office
' Automotive knowledge
- Tableau/ data management tools experience
- Premium Automotive knowledge/ experience
- Strategy knowledge/ experience
- Management reporting experience
<求める人物像/Please describe successful candidate image (Personality)>
successful candidate, needs to be open minded with comfortable working in Multicultural environment with Curious mindset to capture whats happening in the industry and able to communicate knowledge/ expertise to the team - 雇用形態は
- 正社員
- どこで働くか
- 日産自動車グローバル本社
所在地:神奈川県横浜市西区 - 勤務時間は
- 8時間
※時間帯は事業所により異なる - 給与はどのくらい貰えるか
・月次給×12か月分+ 賞与(目安値)
※残業手当等、従業員賃金規則に基づき、別途支給 - 待遇・福利厚生は
住宅支援として、独身寮または手当等の補助あり(入居にあたっては当社規程による) 社内預金、財形、持株会、退職年金、住宅ローン、保険団体割引、社員車両購入制度、食堂、 社内診療所、健保保養所、各種レジャー施設、他
諸手当:家族手当、通勤手当、時間外勤務手当、リモートワーク勤務手当、他 - 休日休暇は
- 週休2日制(※当社カレンダーによる、月5~8日)年間121日 夏季休暇(9日間程度)、年末年始(9日間程度)、ゴールデンウィーク、年次有給休暇、特別休暇、他
- どんな選考プロセスか
- 書類選考 → 面接(通常2~3回) → 内定