- どんな仕事か
Business content
Logically understand the marketing issues of our clients company, collect and accumulate various information about the customer's behavior, customers, and consumers, analyze it to guide customer insights, and based on those insights, the optimal strategy And propose and implement specific tactics
As a member of the planning team you will need to work closely with client brand teams and agency networks to deliver best in class strategic thinking, insights and strategies that brings the digital space to life in the Japanese market (and potential international markets)
Assumed clients: Major Automotive and Manufacturing companies
詳細は面談の際にお伝えさせて頂きます。 - 求められるスキルは
必須 • 4 years of business experience at an advertising agency (general or online), marketing company, or business company (B2B, consumer products and services)
• 4 years of experience in planning and planning marketing strategies (mainly CRM and direct marketing)
• 4 years of practical and operational experience in marketing communications such as Web, DM production, promotion, media, CRM, etc.
• Ability to visualize and evaluate client issues and propose actionable improvement measures based on insights
• Oral / written / interpersonal communication skills (in English as well as Japanese)歓迎 • Web, digital devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.), cross-media planning achievements
• Practical experience in analysis work such as marketing research, statistical analysis, customer analysis, data mining, etc.
【Knowledge you want to be interested in】
• Technologies that can be used as solutions, package solutions, information gathering of providers, and understanding of industry trends
【DNA and background required as an MRM employee】
• Act on your own to achieve a high level of client and customer satisfaction
• Passion for providing high quality service to clients in a dynamic and relatively unconventional environment募集年齢(年齢制限理由) 25歳 ~ 39歳 (長期勤続によりキャリア形成を図るため) - 雇用形態は
- 正社員
- どこで働くか
- 東京都港区
- 勤務時間は
- 裁量労働制(原則9:30-17:30)
- 給与はどのくらい貰えるか
- 最大1000万円
- 待遇・福利厚生は
・財形貯蓄制度 等 - 休日休暇は
- ・週休2日制(土日)、祝日、年末年始(12月30日~1月4日)
・介護休業制度 - どんな選考プロセスか
- 書類選考→面接(2~3回)→内定