- どんな仕事か
- Job Summary: The position may be asked to carry out other duties as assigned by its manager. The successful candidate will be a highly trusted and organized individual, and has exceptional interpersonal and multi‐tasking skills. Key Responsibilities: ・Performs clerical tasks utilizing proper office systems and procedures, ・Maintains office, procures supplies, provides day‐to‐day administration, and screens and directs incoming calls or visitors to the appropriate individuals, ・Assists company executives, employees and internal visitors with scheduling internal appointments, arranging logistics and maintaining calendars as needed, ・Assists company executives and employees in arranging business trips and processing expenses, ・Supports new joiners and leavers on onboarding/offboarding per company policies and protocols, etc・・・
- 求められるスキルは
必須 ・Minimumof3yearsofworkexperienceinadministrativeorexecutiveassistantroles
・金融機関での勤務経験歓迎 - 雇用形態は
- 正社員
- どこで働くか
- 東京都
- 勤務時間は
- 9:00-17:00
フレックス、在宅勤務制度あり - 給与はどのくらい貰えるか
- 年収 500万円 ~ 750万円
- 待遇・福利厚生は
試用期間の有無:有/3ヶ月 - 休日休暇は
- 土日祝日
・産前産後・育児・介護・子看護休暇 他