- どんな仕事か
· Performs monthly, quarterly close activities in Payroll area
· Prepares and inputs journal entries and assigns accounting classifications to various records and transactions within established procedures and policy.
· Prepares or assists on tax filings, government information reports and management information reports.
· Interfaces with various external/internal stakeholders to complete the tasks
· Recommends process improvements to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the tasks/duties performed.
· Engage in regional or global cross functional projects.
- 求められるスキルは
必須 · 2年以上のpayrollのご経験
· ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方
· 社員数500以上の企業での給与計算経験(シェアード側も可)おありの方歓迎
· Problem Solving: Leads others to solve complex problems; uses sophisticated analytical thought to exercise judgment and identify innovative solutions
· Interpersonal skills: communicates difficult concepts and negotiates with others to adopt a different point of view
· Interprets internal/external business challenges and recommends best practices to improve processes
· USGAAP/JGAAP accounting knowledge
- 雇用形態は
- 正社員
- どこで働くか
- 東京都港区
- 給与はどのくらい貰えるか
- 600万円 ~ 949万円
- 待遇・福利厚生は
年次休暇: 入社月より付与(最大13日)5年目より15日、それ以降1日ずつ増え最大20日を付与。
諸手当: 通勤・業務にかかる交通費は全額支給。